What the Bible DOESN’T Say about Gifts and Talents

If you’re not a Christian, or not interested in such things, feel free to skip this post. It’s actually a link to an article on our SchoolOfTheRock.com page – this is just an introduction.

you_keep_saying_that_verseBack in the early 1970s when I was a young Christian trying to find God’s will for my life and hoping it involved music, my “spiritual leaders” kept quoting the same scriptures out of context as if those somehow settled the matter. Now I’m an old musician who is still a Christian, but who recently heard of a youngster receiving nearly the same un-Biblical advice. I think it’s time to stop pretending that these well-worn proof-texts mean what they’ve been taken to mean all these years. Click on the link below:

What the Bible DOESN’T Say about Gifts and Talents.”


About Paul

Paul Race has been writing and playing all kinds of music since the 1960s, though he tends to favor acoustic and traditional songs. He has created resources like CreekDontRise.com, ClassicTrainSongs.com, and SchoolOfTheRock.com to help other musicians get a good start on their own journeys.

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