Saxophone Sucks

One of the sites I started – – has articles about vintage saxophones, including C Melody saxophones, which some folks use to play in worship bands, because they are better suited for playing in the sharp-heavy guitar keys of most modern worship choruses. I have had many reader questions…

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End the Banjo Deserts!

I’m constantly contacted by people who can’t find playable banjos to try out, and they can’t even find anyone to answer their questions intelligently. Surprisingly many of them live in or near large metropolitan areas with dozens of music stores in a thirty-mile radius. In nearly every part of the…

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New Article: Shopping for Used Banjos

Why would anyone take forty hours or more to write an article to help newbies find suitable banjos? Wouldn’t it be easier and more profitable just to sell banjos outright or accept advertising from banjo vendors for representing ONLY their products? But I believe in giving as many people access…

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