Ramblin’ Song: “Long and Open Highway”

A friend just asked if I had any “Rambling Songs.” I wrote most of this one about 1970, back when every Folk and Country singer had a song about rambling. Then I added the third verse and made a demo for a project about 2003. But when my friend asked about “Rambling Songs,” I could NOT find the audio file. I finally tracked it down on a backup of a backup. I guess it went rambling on its own.

When I wrote the third verse and sang the song for Shelia, she asked if I had something I wanted to tell her. No, it’s just a song. . . .

Hope you enjoy “Long and Open Highway.”

About Paul

Paul Race has been writing and playing all kinds of music since the 1960s, though he tends to favor acoustic and traditional songs. He has created resources like CreekDontRise.com, ClassicTrainSongs.com, and SchoolOfTheRock.com to help other musicians get a good start on their own journeys.

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