Welcome to the “Building Bridges” Blog

Note:  This was originally posted on July 27, 2015. 

We’re having to reformat the web page so I’m reposting these in the same order as they were originally posted.

After operating a number of music-related web pages for years, a number of friends told me it was time to add a blog somewhere.  Most of the comments will probably be related to music, but they won’t be restricted to any specific style or genre.  So I figured I’d put it on my personal music site.

Chances are pretty good I’ll make some huge mistakes, and I know I’ll be tweaking for a while until I’m satisfied with the way things look.  So if you’re stopping by in the first weeks of this thing’s existence, welcome aboard, and my apologies for any confusion I create.

About Paul

Paul Race has been writing and playing all kinds of music since the 1960s, though he tends to favor acoustic and traditional songs. He has created resources like CreekDontRise.com, ClassicTrainSongs.com, and SchoolOfTheRock.com to help other musicians get a good start on their own journeys.