Tips for Independent Christian Musicians

Within the last several months, forum discussions, reader questions, and comments, have reminded me of some of the peculiar pressures and decisions facing young Christians who are trying to make a living in music of any kind. I’m sensitive to these issues because, as a Christian myself, I wrote and…

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Always Be Ready to Audition

On another forum, a musician discussed going to an audition for a gig he didn’t really want anyway, so he hadn’t bothered to prepare much. My response (edited a little for clarity) was: To me, the whole point of playing music is getting out in front of people and sharing…

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Learn While You’re Young

Yesterday I wrote and published a bit about why everyone interested in any kind of musical pursuits should learn a chord-capable instrument (probably piano or guitar) early. That article is on the site here. But musing over that content reminded me of something that happened to me a few…

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Is There Life After Band?

When I was in bands, I promoted the band tirelessly.    I didn’t sing all that well, and I wasn’t pretty, which meant that I’d have a “tough row to hoe” if I tried to make it as a solo act.  But I could arrange and write, and I could…

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Register Your Domain Name Now

Which is more: $17, $170, $1500, or $4000? What’s the difference? $17 is the approximate cost of registering the domain name for your name, your stage name, or your band name now. $170 is the approximate cost of registering your domain name and keeping it registered for ten years, just…

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