Evolution of the Banjo

I don’t have an article about this yet, but I have two handouts I made for a clinic at the Madden Road Music Fest in Cable, Ohio, 8/12/2017. Update 8/15/2017: I updated both the table and the graphic as a result of reader response and further research in certain areas.…

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Changing Newsletter Formats

My first music web site, CreekDontRise.com started about 2000, and has grown substantially since. As people asked me questions that inspired articles, other web sites like SchoolOfTheRock.com, ClassicTrainSongs.com, and RiverboatMusic.com followed. For a time, I tried to let one newsletter, MommaDontLow.com serve all of those sites’ various constituencies. But there…

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End the Banjo Deserts!

I’m constantly contacted by people who can’t find playable banjos to try out, and they can’t even find anyone to answer their questions intelligently. Surprisingly many of them live in or near large metropolitan areas with dozens of music stores in a thirty-mile radius. In nearly every part of the…

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